New York Representative Peter King was the intended recipient of a bloody pig's foot and a note that allegedly said, "Kiss my black Muslim ass." King has been leading congressional hearings about the radicalization of Islam in the United States. King is also Jewish.
Given the Supreme Court's most recent rulings on free speech, I'm wondering, is a bloody pig's foot political speech? I mean, if you can protest against gays within a thousand yards of a military funeral because you don't think gays should serve in the military, can a pig's foot sent to protest what is perceived as the persecution of Muslims be excluded from free speech, especially free political speech?
I don't think so. Now, mind you, I think those anti-gay protesters at military funerals better be careful because one person's free speech is another's fightin' words. I double-dog dare those protesters to try that mess at a black Baptist military funeral in the south. I know my Baptist southern in-laws are as comfortable with Jesus as they are with ammo and keep one in their hearts and the other close by -- I'll let you guess which. Those protesters might end up on the coroner's slab themselves if they try that at a black Baptist military funeral, and there isn't a southerner, black, white or green, who would convict their murderer. Protesting at a military funeral? In the south? Yeah, you had it coming.
And maybe so did Representative King. The pig's foot, that is. But it didn't come from a Muslim and it probably didn't come from someone black. A Muslim wouldn't have touched it and a black person, especially my older relatives, would have pickled it and served it with some collard greens and cornbread.
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